Texas Email & Advertising Compliance
TX Advertising Guidance - eXp Policies & TREC Requirements
Any advertising, including; yard signs, business cards, ads, mailers, flyers, websites, FB Business Pages, etc. must have the information listed below. In addition, we require that all incoming agents go to the homepage for the Advertising Compliance Video/Test and view the advertising class and take the quick 20 question test. You will also find helpful docs, prefilled IABS forms and a ton of invaluable resources.
1) Per TREC eXp Realty's name needs to be at least half the size of the largest font on your advertising (this includes your logo).
2) Your name, or Team or Group name Brokered By eXp Realty (Or just EXP Realty works too)
3) ALL marketing MUST be submitted to marketing@exprealty.com for brand approval AND as sent over to TX.Broker@exprealty.com for broker approval PRIOR to FIRST use.
4.) Your Marketing Team/Group name must be registered at TREC (per 535.154(c)(3) prior to first use. (Use the link below to get this registered and then check back on TREC's website in a few days to see if you see it. If you do not, please follow up with the broker team at tx.broker@exprealty.com) Link to Form: TEAM/Group Name Registration Form
5.) Any name you use to advertise yourself, other than the name on your license, must be registered with TREC before using it.
Alternate Name (any name that is a nickname or not a derivative of the name on your license such a middle name not on your license), or a Team/Group name MUST be registered with TREC before you start using it. (Section 535.154(c)(3) 5)
You must ensure that you have the legal right to use any marketing names. It is YOUR responsibility to file this information with TREC. Here is the Link: Alternate Name Form
6.) You may NOT use “brokerage, company, or associates” in your marketing name.
7.) Even if you are a team of 1, if you are using ANY marketing name besides what is on your license, then you must register as a team/group and your marketing name must end in "Team or Group."
● Be a wise business owner and know what you can and cannot do per TREC rules, lending rules,and eXp company policy.
● You can find clear background logos for the items above at expcloud.com
● All eXp Advertising Rules are covered in Policies and Procedures
● Additional Texas Policies and Procedures can be found here: Texas Policies and Procedures
● Advertising website & resources can be found here: Advertising Compliance Video/Test
● TREC’s Social Media Guide - TREC Social Media Advertising Guide
EMAIL: TREC Requires that your IABS and CPN must be given at the first "substantive dialogue" with a consumer
TREC Requires that your IABS and CPN must be given at the first "substantive dialogue" with a consumer.
Many people choose to add this to their email signature so that it will automatically show up.
NOTE: The link to the disclosures MUST be placed ABOVE your signature to look like it is in the body of the email, not part of the signature or below your contact information.
Steps to Set this up
Step 1: Generate the IABS/CPN combined PDF file
OPTION 1: Right click here to save this file to your computer then put in your information
OPTION 2: Go into Zipforms and update your Information About Brokerage Services (aka IABS) with the correct information. Download a PDF of the IABS and the Consumer Protection Notice (CPN). When you download, it's helpful if the 2 pages are in one PDF, not two separate PDF files.
STEP 2: Go to https://drive.google.com and upload the PDF file.
STEP 3: Right click on the file in Google Drive and select "Get Link" as pictured below.
STEP 4: Add this text to your email signature before "Sincerely" and the make sure it is linked to YOUR file URL link from Google Drive. NOTE: It MUST be located ABOVE your "sincerely" to be in compliance, not buried in your signature links. It has to look like it's part of the body of the email.
"Texas law requires all license holders to provide disclosures to prospective clients. Please read the Information About Brokerage Services & Consumer Notice forms."
Click below for:
Gmail signature setup instructions
Outlook signature setup instructions
To shorten the link, consider copying the link from Google Drive (super long) into a short link using a FREE service like Bitly.com
How to Set Up and Use WiseStamp Signatures
Watch my video tutorial on how to set up >>>>>>>>>>>>
WEB & SOCIAL MEDIA" TREC requires your IABS & CPN to be "one click away" for the consumer on websites & social media.
Easy Method: Use LinkTree
LinkTree is a free service that creates a super simple little website that hosts the links. Since many of the social media sites only allow for 1 link to be posted in your bio, this is a great way to interconnect to your other platforms AND link to your Texas Disclosures
Steps to Set this up
Go into Zipforms and update your Information About Brokerage Services (aka IABS) with the correct information.
Download a PDF of the IABS and the Consumer Protection Notice (CPN). When you download, it's helpful if the 2 pages are in one PDF, not two separate PDF files.
Go to https://drive.google.com and upload the PDF file.
Right click on the file in Google Drive and select "Get Link" as pictured below.
Set up a free LinkTree account at http://linktr.ee/
Set up your account and then add the links.
My Texas Disclosures - this will be the Google Drive link you created
Step 4 - Right click Google Drive file to " Get Link"
Upon completion of these steps, you will be in compliance with TREC rules to have the IABS and CPN one click away from all of your social media bio links.
The best part is that you only have to host the PDF file in one place, so if it changes, you only need to upload a new version of it to Google Drive and the rest will stay updated.
Here's an example: https://linktr.ee/rachelc123
Watch my video tutorial on how to set up LinkTree >>>>>>>>
How to attach your IABS/CPN to Facebook Business Page:
Go into Zipforms and update your Information About Brokerage Services (aka IABS) with the correct information.
Download a PDF of the IABS and the Consumer Protection Notice (CPN)
Open the file and save as a picture format (.jpg or .png)
Create a photo folder called "Texas Disclosures" and upload the IABS/CPN as photos to your FB pages, and then pin the photos to the top of your Facebook Business Page
How to attach your IABS/CPN to LinkedIn:
In your profile, you can add a link to your website or upload the documents to the About section or add links to the documents there.
In your profile bio, you are allowed to post one website link. If you have your website visible, that leads consumers back to your website that has the IABS/CPN.
If you are using Stories and Highlights, you can create a Highlights folder for TX Disclosures and put the stories in there with the pictures of the IABS and CPN
Just be sure your IABS and CPN on your website is visible and linked from your bio.
^^ Facebook About section
^^ Facebook Photo Album
^^ Instagram bio Link & Highlight